Engage students with informational texts that cover the foundational skills that Kindergarten students need to know to advance to the next level. Build your classroom library or supplement your reading program with these Spanish-translated books that feature compelling TIME For Kids content. Titles include:
Empujar y jalar (Pushes and Pulls)
Pajaros e insectos (Birds and Bugs)
Trabajadores de mi escuela (Workers at My School)
Soy maravilloso: Mis manos (Marvelous Me: My Hands)
Bueno para mi: Comida saludable (Good for Me: Healthy Food)
La gran bandera (Grand Old Flag)
Siempre crece: El cabello (Always Growing: Hair)
Usar buenos modales (Using Good Manners)
Buen trabajo: La vida de las plantas (Good Work: Plant Life)
Usa las matematicas: Describelo (Use Math: Describe It)